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The Dunk Camp, World Dunk Association and several of the best dunkers in the world have collaborated to develop a ranking system for dunkers called "Dunk Levels". Dunk Levels are similar to belts in martial arts and are represented by colored bands worn on the wrist. 

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​​​There are 4 Dunk Levels with varying degrees based on 3 rim heights (8', 9', and 10') for a total of 12 bands:


  • Beginner (White, Yellow, Orange)

  • Intermediate (Light Green, Green, Dark Green)

  • Advanced (Light Blue, Blue, Dark Blue)

  • Elite (Purple, Brown, Black)


In order to earn a band, you must hit all the dunks for that particular band in the same session. It does not count if you hit two of the dunks this week and the other three dunks a month from now. Being able to hit all the dunks in the same session demonstrates some level of mastery which is what we want to achieve and recognize.


Each of the 10' Dunk Level Bands (Orange, Dark Green, Dark Blue, and Black) also have a Max Vertical Jump requirement. For example, to earn the Orange band, you must be able to do all the Beginner dunks on 10' in one session AND have at least a 32" vertical jump off an approach. The bands for 8' and 9' do not have a vertical jump requirement.


There is also a 5th Level - called "Master" that we have not yet finalized. The Master Level will be specific to 10' rims only and will include some additional requirements we are still working on. Only the very best dunkers in the world will be able to qualify for this level and may take years to obtain. We are also working on a Women's version of The Dunk Levels.


A great way to further develop your dunk skills is to work on earning the Dunk Level bands using your other plants. For example, if you're a 2 foot LR (Left Right) jumper, you could work on earning the bands using a RL (Right Left) plant or even off 1 foot jumping off your left (L) foot or right (R) foot. Or 1 foot dunkers could work on earning the bands jumping off 2 feet.


You can take things even further by doing the dunks with your non-dominant hand. If you truly want to become an elite dunker, get more versatile by being able to dunk with either hand and using any plant. This will improve your style, coordination, and overall athleticism.


All mainstream competitive sports have some type of ranking system or classification based on the age, ability, skill, etc. of the athlete. We believe Dunk Levels are an important step in the evolution of dunking to become an official sport as well as enhance learning and development.


The goal is to grow the sport, provide motivation and guidance for progressing your dunk skills, and have a ton of fun along the way. 


Order your DUNK LEVELS shirt here!


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​Only 6 dunkers in the world have earned the Black Band! 

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